Howdy y’all! Saddle up and get on down to the Wunderbarn at the most whip cracking cabaret life drawing event in town.
You’ll be wrangled by Brighton’s very own buckaroo Alfie Ordinary and the South East’s finest Madam, Cherry Shakewell who will herd you through two hours of sketchin’ and quick drawin’. Expect high kicking hoedown cabaret entertainment.
It’s all about having a go, so snobby art critics are as welcome as a rattlesnake at a square dance. So for those more artistically challenged, quit your bellyaching and high tail it to get your tickets booked. You’ll be madder than a wet hen if it sells out!
Cowboys and cowgirls, Saloon wenches, gingham, horses and double denim are welcome!
Please bring your own art supplies but some will be provided. Yeehaw!